3 Ways To Become The One They All Want
The holy grail of running a service-based business is that fantastic and exhilarating moment when you wake up to a waitlist of perfect clients and you have your next six months revenue in the bag!
Gone are the night sweats and panic and instead you relish in that warm and wonderful feeling of being in control and in-demand.
But how the hell do you get there fast when you aren't yet one of those online superstars we all hear about?
Do you have to buy one of those 6 figure systems, is the secret hidden behind one of those tempting squeeze pages
I'm delighted to say
The magic key you've been looking for, the one that unlocks the door to a life of mojitos on the beach without you having to do any real work. It doesn't exist.
I prefer to look at things a little differently.
First off.
You've gotta stop putting hustle before strategy.
There are three things you can do right now to sharpen your strategy and get results.
Know where you are going. What's the true north for your business, and why should people care?
Know how you provide real value for your clients and customers – how are you different and better?
Be fiercely committed to staying focused and executing upon your strategy - say no to the shiny new things and the faffing around on FB at 1 am and only work on the steps and tasks that mean achieving your outcome is inevitable.
So tell me.
Are your daily activities driving your strategy forward?
I'd love to hear your insights, drop me a line and let me know.