In Just One Day, I’ll Make Your Messaging, Marketing and Money Dreams a Reality


Ready to build a profitable personal brand?

It’s time to kiss goodbye to the mess in your message and nail your Personal Brand Positioning once and for all.

After our power-packed VIP Day you’ll have everything you need to go from best-kept secret to outrageously well paid industry icon


You’ve been staring at a blank screen and flashing cursor for too long, your inbox is filled with hollow promises from million-dollar gurus, you’ve downed your third coffee, eaten way too much sugar (again) and you’re starting to think that embarking on a 30-day juice fast would be easier than whipping up a stand out message, marketing your business, and making some goddam sales.


I’m not a superhero..

A prediction


But I do have a super POWER.

You see, my special gift is seeing through the mess in your message to zero in on the core of what you’re really about.

Because once that’s uncovered, it’s simple to craft a magnetic message for your business that calls in perfect-fit clients and establishes you as an expert in your field.

Seriously. It works like MAGIC.

Because whilst there’s never been an easier time to start a business, there’s never been a harder time to get heard.

We’ve got attention spans shorter than a toddler after a bag of Halloween candy and we’re starting to switch off.

which means YOU NEED A MESSAGE that will pierce the noise and get customers to choose you

For the last 15 years, I’ve worked with smart small business owners as well as leading brands such as Nike, Levis, IBM, and Billabong.

What have I learned along the way?

I can predict which brands will stand out and last the distance from the ones that won’t. And of course, there’s that super-power I mentioned …

I know exactly how to extract ALL the stuff, the ideas, the messages, the endless to do’s and distil them down into the things you need to win the business game and make serious bank.

  1. Your Battle Cry (AKA: A magnetic one-of-a-kind message)

  2. Captivating Content that turns strangers into die-hard fans

  3. Red-Hot Offers that call in the sales

  4. A Client Attraction & Sales System to create consistent cash

>> So if you feel like you’re wasting time and money on marketing that doesn’t get results …

>> And (if you’re totally honest) you just wish someone would take this marketing mess off your hands and hand it back in a done for you package with a bow on top …

There is a solution.

(And no worries - it doesn’t involve you selling your soul or your children)



" A bespoke service to help you grow your brand and your revenue at lightning speed"


In just one day together, we will…

1. Sharpen your Brand Message and Position so there’s no mistake who you’re for (and who you’re not)

2. Craft a Brand Power Statement perfect for social media bios, your elevator pitch, videos, and more.

3. Map out your Core Content Pillars that will attract and convert your ideal audience.

4. Craft your Unique Messages - the ideas you will become known for!

5. Identify your Key Stories and where to use them for maximum effect.

6. Turn your IP and ideas into a productised service that enables you to charge a premium and leverage your time.

7. Create your million dollar offer map that aligns to your new Brand Positioning. I’ll show you how you can double the value of your offers without adding more!

8. Map out your client attracting content aka: what you need to say where to bring in consistent sales


What you’ll walk away with …

At the end of our day together, you’ll have a beautiful brand and marketing blueprint filled will everything that will take your personal brand out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

And, you’ll have a suite of my most coveted templates, swipes and copy resources to make your plans a reality FAST!


Is this for me?

1. Do you want your inbox flooding with biz opportunities and requests to work with you?

2. Do you want to a killer message and content that does the selling for you?

3. Do you want to cut down time and money spent on marketing + see bigger results

4. Do you want an expert to take your marketing mess off your hands and turn it into a results?


How we roll…


>> Let’s get under the hood of your business! I’ll send you my ‘secret brand spy’ workbook

>> You‘ll grab your beverage of choice and get to work brain dumping


>> Me + You together on Zoom

>> We’ll get to work on your most pressing brand building issue and I’ll start to weave my magic with your words and your strategy. This could be Messaging, Bio’s, New offers, Pitches, Content, Emails, Social media & Launch plans


>> At the end of the day we’ll meet again to go through all your new assets and then you’ll get feverishly to work on bringing our plan to life

>> You’ll also receive a link to my digital brand builder kit with tools, templates, resources and how-to guides that I created specifically for my private clients.