The easiest way to sell on social
One of the biggest things I hear from my audience is...
“How do I create social media posts that SELL in a way that feels good?”
Maybe you’re really great at giving value, great at sharing inspiring content and connecting with your audience, but when it comes to the selling part…
Well today I’ve got an awesome Swipe, Paste, Post template for a social post that helps you sell and feels good to your soul.
And remember, what you have to offer is of value to someone - don’t hide it, don’t starve them of an opportunity to get their problem solved!
Ready to go?
Sell on Social Template
Start with an attention grabbing headline that speaks DIRECTLY to your ideal customer and their pain, problem or desired outcome.
Who else wants [Outcome]?
# (number) Little Known Ways to [Outcome]
“Who else wants to wake up full of energy every morning?”
“Who else wants to attract more clients with ease?”
“Who else wants to learn to meditate the easy way?”
Every [insert professional type eg. personal trainer, business coach, interior design, yoga teacher] tells you [insert solution e. Stretching, Facebook ads, chakra cleansing] is the answer to [insert problem]
There’s just one problem
Nobody shows you exactly how!
Are you trying to [outcome eg. build your business, lose weight, redesign your home]
But you're stuck with [ problem eg. what marketing steps to take, what to eat, where to start?]
Maybe you're thinking [ it’s too hard, you can’t do it, it won’t change etc]
I hear you!
Not long ago I struggled with [ problem ] tried [ unsuccessful solution] and got [ undesirable result]
When I started to focus on [ the core of what you offer or teach ] I started to see [results] and feel [emotional benefit]
I’ve no helped over [ amount ] of clients/customers achieve [ result ] without [ pain ]
And, with the end of the year hurtling towards us faster than a spinning plate at a Greek Wedding
I want to help you finish off 2019 with some pizzazz and achieve those goals that are so important to you.
So if you’re ready to [ do this ], [ this ] or [even, this ], I can help get you there.
For the next [amount of time] I’m offering [insert offer ] to you my loyal [Instagram tribe, Facebook family, VIP email members ]
[ CTA ] Click <here> to book/pay/speak to me on a call
Let’s do this
[ Link again ]
< your name >
Et Voila, my friend you’ve got an attention-grabbing, no sleaze post to attract your ideal customers.
I’d love to know how you get on using this, so please email and let me know.