5 Unexpected Things I Learned From Launching My Bite-Sized Offer

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5 Unexpected Lessons I Learned

From Launching My Bite-Sized Offer

What's the deal with all those low-cost offers all over the Internet these days? You know the ones - digital downloads, usually around $27 to $47, that you've probably seen ads for in a variety of places?

They’ve probably popped up in your Facebook and Instagram feeds (and lots of other places) over the past couple of years.

I like to call them Bite-Sized Offers, but you might also have seen them called …

  • self-liquidating offers

  • tiny offers

  • micro offers

  • and so on

Chances are, you’ve probably even seen MY bite-sized offer ad for Stories That Sell in your feed at one point or another.

Behind The Scenes of Stories that Sell

Ever since Stories That Sell took off, I’ve received lots of behind-the-scenes questions about my bite-sized offer.

So today, I’m sharing the top 5 learnings I gained from launching Stories That Sell.

But first, let’s jump into the wayback machine for a minute.

When I first launched Stories That Sell back in 2019 (omg! where has that time gone!?!), it was a little different from what you see today.

Check out my original sales page …

STS original sales page.jpg

Version 1 of Stories That sell was a longer ‘course’ style product and focussed more on the strategic side of storytelling. Heck, we covered 5 all-time favourite storytelling frameworks and how to use each one!

But for Version 2, I stripped out some of the more in-depth strategic material and focussed on saving people time with a ‘Done-For-Ya’ system.

Why, you may ask?

Because earlier in 2019, I launched a Brand Clarity Quiz that helped people see their biggest gaps in building their brand.

Guess what came out top of that list, with a whopping 82% of people saying it was keeping them stuck?

Creating strategic content for social, email, and blogs - and doing it quickly.

BOOM! A perfect example of why I LOVE quizzes so much. 😊

Anyway, once I learned that, I reworked Stories That Sell to solve the problem I knew so many in my audience was having.

Now, here we are two years later and I’ve learned so much from this whole experience. So I thought I’d share the most unexpected things I discovered through this process.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

Top 5 Learnings From Launching A Bite-Sized Offer

#1 There are no new ideas

Stop trying to make your idea original and instead focus on original execution and delivery.

When I launched in June 2019, I hadn’t seen too much in my niche that gave people ‘a story bank’ and so it felt fresh and new.

6 months later, brands waaay bigger than me had similar things out there, because, yep you guessed it...there are no new ideas.

But as famous poet Audre Lorde says “There are only new ways of making them felt.”

Lesson: Focus on HOW you deliver your idea differently, create an amazing experience, amp up your personality and opinions, and focus on what you want people to feel.

#2 There are d*ckheads on the internet

Okay, I think we all already knew this one. But it’s been demonstrated to me very clearly over the past couple of years.

People will write mean comments under your ads, people will compare you. Heck, I’ve even had someone tell me I’m ugly and shouldn’t be on camera!

But those people are not my ideal audience. Someone who’s going to write a derogatory comment on my ads was NEVER going to be my customer.

Lesson: Instead of worrying about converting the masses focus on your IDEAL people - the ones who send beautiful emails and leave glowing reviews. And don’t forget the ones who give you great tips and feedback to help you improve your offerings.

#3 A small product doesn’t mean crappy customers

I mean, let’s just start with how insulting this is. I hear it all the time, “Oh you have something low-priced? Those customers are the worst!”

Say Whaaaat? I know the online world is full of selling things for a bazillion dollars but does that make the people who pay more for stuff better people? Err, No!

And secondly, when you give amazing value to people without asking them to sacrifice their life savings you create a trusting relationship.

And you know what? People stick around for people they trust.

Lesson: Focus on delivering value over content and think about the journey you want to take your customers on for the long haul.

This brings me on to...

#4 Don’t think of this offer as a ‘quickie in the hall’

A bite-sized offer is just a gateway drug to more of your brand. That is, IF you don’t treat people as if this is ‘just’ a little something to throw their way before you hook them into a big investment.

Focusing on delivering value + results makes all the difference in the world.

Lesson: Think about how much easier it is to keep a customer than keep finding new ones. Brand experience is everything and you want people thinking “Whoa, $27 for this? I’m blown away!”

#5 Systems will save you

Boy, did I learn this the hard way!

In the early days, our technology failed us, customer service overwhelmed us, and we had to migrate to a new platform and shopping cart after we’d already built our program.

Now? We have a template and system for EVERYTHING. It’s a well-oiled machine and I geek out with joy at our easy automation 🤓

Lesson: Plan out your customer service flows and create templates for everything.

Would I Do It Again?

So, after all these learnings, I bet you're wondering - would I do it again?

Hell, Yes!

I’ve loved building a community, supporting people through our Facebook group, smf seeing the Ah-Mazing results our customers share.

Knowing I’m making a real difference in the lives and businesses of my customers is such a wonderful feeling of satisfaction, I can’t even describe it.

And that is something I’d love for you to experience, as well.

That’s exactly why I put together my Bite-Sized Offer Masterclass, where I break down the step-by-step roadmap you need to inject cash into your business without complicated launches, sales calls, webinars, or endless hustle. Just like I did.

And at the same time, you’ll be building a following and a powerful brand, as well as filling your email list with ideal customers who can’t wait to move forward with you. It’s truly a #winwinwin.

How To Create Your Own Bite-Sized Offer

I can hear what you’re saying right now ... “But Nikki - I have no idea what type of bite-sized offer would work for my business!”

No worries. I’ve got you covered. You can take my free quiz to help you find the perfect bite-sized offer for your business right here:

PS - If you’re already bursting with ideas or know you definitely want to jump on this bandwagon, skip ahead and grab the Bite-Sized Offer Masterclass here.