How to get your message heard in a world full of noise
"Why are your shoes on the kitchen counter? Stop tormenting your brother and for the millionth time chocolate is not for breakfast!"
That's how my mornings sound, most of the time.
I've long had the goal of being one of those perfectly polished Instagram Mum's with a tidy house and kids all dressed in hues of white and rust, but it's just not me. I'm now at peace with the fact that no matter what time I rise, I will probably still be late and there will be no bouncy hair swooshing out that door.
Parenting aside, what the hell has my haphazard morning routine got to do with you building your brand?
The answer my friend lies in
Because our prospective customers and clients are much like my kids.
Busy, pre-occupied and far more interested in themselves than in my agenda.
And, when we try to interrupt the bubble of life, we need to be clear, concise and consistent if we've got any hope in hell of being heard.
When it comes to marketing, most of us think we need to keep reinventing the wheel, coming up with new content, new ideas and shiny things. But, in fact, it's just the opposite.
Think of your favourite personal brand or business?
I bet you can tell me what they are about in one sentence.
Am I right?
Because they've cemented their positioning and won a slice of your over-stuffed mind.
Now, you might think talking about the same thing on repeat could get boring, but there are hundreds of different ways to illustrate the same point.
You could tell a story about a day in your life - like this one
You could tell a customer story
You might teach a piece of your process
Show a behind the scenes
Share an essential tip
Every piece of your content should relate back to your core message and Your reason for being.
Take a scroll through your Instagram, facebook or blog feed and ask yourself
"If I was a stranger, would I know what this brand is all about?"
If the answer is a "Hell Yeah!' Great job, keep doing your thing.
If it's a "Maybe" or a big fat "No", then it's time to stop the zig-zagging and to start focusing on your message.
Don't be afraid to repeat yourself.
Just like my kids, your audience needs at least 12 to 20 repetitions for it to sink in. So say it loud, proud and often!
If you’d like help igniting your message, selling out your offers and standing out online. Apply to join me inside the ‘Unmistakable Brand Mastermind.’