The best type of lead magnet for building your brand and your bottom line
Today, I’m sharing my #1 all time favourite piece of content for building your email list and your brand at lightening speed.
Plus, the three benefits of this piece of content will build your visibility and your revenue at the same time and do it better than any other type of content.
So maybe you have created a free PDF, a checklist, an E book or a guide to attract people to your email list. But potentially, you aren't getting enough people onto your list with this piece of content, people aren't engaging with it, or it isn't converting people from strangers into buyers.
There could be a hidden reason for this and it might not be because you aren’t promoting it well enough or that the content isn’t valuable.
The thing is, us humans are distracted by EVERYTHING.
We might be scrolling, whilst homeschooling at the same time, as well as answering emails. So, getting attention is much harder than it used to be! Not only getting attention, but keeping attention! There are many psychological tricks you can use to capture attention, but none of them are any good if you can't keep people's attention and consistently get them coming back for more.
My favourite lead magnet for capturing and keeping attention is a QUIZ!
If you've been around me for a little while, you've probably heard me wax lyrical about how great quizzes are. And, that’s why I want to share three baked-in benefits that build your brand and your bottom line.
#1 Authority
If you put out a piece of content, like a quiz, that asks insightful questions and gives amazing results, value and insight, INSTANTLY, you have elevated yourself from someone they don't know, to an expert and an authority
Much more quickly than:
Sending someone a free checklist that you have to make sure that they open
Checking that they read the email
Making sure that they action it
A quiz is like a 60 second shortcut to instant online authority that doesn’t take multiple emails and social posts like other forms of content.
#2 Attention
Some people might scroll through Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook when they're looking for a solution to a problem. Then, they come across your piece of content. You've probably only got their attention for a couple of seconds whilst they enter their email address… and then they’re gone! Because… they're onto the next thing. Sometimes they might go straight to their inbox to download it. But other times, they’re more than likely off onto something else. Whereas with a quiz, it's a two way engagement that's happening over a period of time. So now, you've driven attention up from a couple of seconds to around 60 seconds - which is invaluable! In that timeframe a few things happen;
We've talked about building your authority
You have started to create a relationship with them
You have started to gain insight into your audience, which is priceless
We need to understand our prospective customers deeply and intimately. There's no better way to do that than by asking questions, because when people feel heard, they feel understood.
At the end of your quiz, you're giving them some kind of result, which goes like this.
‘Hey, I listened to you and now here's something you can do about it’.
#3 Brand Positioning
One of the issues facing entrepreneurs and business owners is ‘becoming known for something really easily’.
When people interact or see your brand you want them to know you as ‘that's the person that can help me alleviate back pain without seeing a surgeon’ or ‘That's a person that can teach me to decorate my house on a shoestring without losing my mind’. Or whatever it might be that you want to be known for.
A quiz can do that for you, because you've asked people questions, you've got their engagement and you have been able to position your brand.
That’s why I love this piece of content above everything else. It's not that I think other pieces of content don't work. Yes, they have their place. However, if you are looking to build your list and your brand quickly in a noisy world, then I truly recommend trying a quiz.