The framework for killer testimonials
The Framework For Killer Testimonials
The other night I was scrolling through IG stories and stopped when on an ad that claimed to hold the secret to rapid hair growth.
Having struggled for years to get my crappy post pregnancy hair to bounce back to swishy supermodel length locks, I clicked through to buy.
I was hooked immediately by the promise of perfect hair and reeled in further by the images and benefits.
Before I clicked add to cart though, I stopped.
Is it just clever marketing, hiding an overpriced shampoo? Am I going to be deflated after dropping $100?
And so, I flicked down to the testimonials section to see what people had to say.
I quickly saw a couple of people who had hair issues just like mine, their reviews told great stories of how this new wash had revolutionised their lank hair and tipped me from a hmmm maybe to a Hell Yes! I need this NOW.
Great testimonials are a key part but often overlooked part of your marketing strategy.
They can take you from unknown entity to credible business in just a few words.
And, the easiest way to super power your testimonials?
When will I stop banging on about story, you ask?
Probably never. Because…
Here’s a set of questions you can ask your past clients and customers to weave a story-based testimonial - no fancy writing skills required.
Step 1: Establish your customers desirE
Q. When you came to <work with me / take my course / buy my product> what did you want beyond what you already had? (this aims to draw out their desire)
Q. Beneath this, what was it you REALLY wanted to achieve?
Q And achieving that? How would it make you feel?
Step 2: Establish the conflict
Q. What was standing in your way of getting what you wanted?
Q. What were the stakes? If you stayed where you were, what would the consequence have been?
Step 3: Talk about the journey
Q. What hesitations did you have about <working with me / taking my course / using my product>
Q. Tell me about the journey of <working with me / taking my course / using my product > what did that look like?
Step 4: Talk about the result
Q. What was the outcome of <working together / taking the course / using the product>?
Q. How do you feel now?
Q. What would you say to anybody considering <working with you / buying from you>?
Et Voila, with each of these pieces, you’ll have an emotionally compelling story-based testimonial that will hook ‘em by the heart!