The Best Lead Magnet To Build Your List, Your Brand, & Your Bottom Line

The Best Lead Magnet To Build Your List Fast

The Best Lead Magnet

To Build Your List, Your Brand, & Your Bottom Line

Are you looking to build your list with a lead magnet or a freebie?

I’m willing to bet you are, so I want to share with you my absolute favourite lead magnet that makes list building a breeze.

It’s my favourite because this one particular piece of content can build your email list, your business, and your brand - all at the same time!

Not only that, but it will boost your visibility and your revenue better than any other type of content.

Want to know what it is?

I’ll tell you what it is. But first let’s talk about...

Why Your Current Lead Magnet Isn’t Working

Maybe you’ve already created a free:

  • pdf

  • checklist

  • ebook

  • Guide

  • Audio

  • video

Or some other kind of download to attract people to your email list.  

Buuut it’s not exactly working wonders to grow your list numbers...

There’s a reason. 

Now, it’s highly likely not about the content you created.

I’m willing to bet, it’s about the people you want to attract. 

Whether it’s busy business owners, mums, or any other humans, really - in the online space you’re competing with a really noisy world. 

People are distracted by everything going on. We’re scrolling, maybe homeschooling at the same time we answer emails, and have eleventy-billion things on our to-do lists for the day. 

So your freebie has to get their attention AND address their current problem AND give them a quick win.

The fact is, getting attention is much harder than it used to be. And we need to not only get attention, but keep attention. 

Because while there are many psychological tricks you can use to capture attention, none of them are any good if you can't keep that attention and consistently get them to come back for more.

So you need my secret (marketing) weapon!

Here It Is - My Favourite Lead Magnet

My number one type of lead magnet is a quiz. 

If you've been hanging around me for a bit, you've probably heard me wax lyrical about how great quizzes are. And there’s a long list of reasons why. But today, let’s look at three baked-in benefits a quiz offers to build your brand and your bottom line! 

Benefit #1: Establishes Authority

The first of those benefits is authority

See, when you put out a quiz that asks people questions, qualifies, and then gives them amazing results, value, and insight - you instantly elevate yourself from someone they don't know to an expert and authority. 

Creating a piece of content that gives people value, takes them through a journey, and serves up a result they can use instantly shows them you’re an authority.

A quiz positions you as an expert much faster than a free checklist they have to open, read, and take action on. That takes a lot more steps to build your expertise and authority (if you can even get them to do it).

With a quiz, you do it in 30-60 seconds. 

Benefit #2: Creates A Relationship

The second awesome thing about a quiz is that it holds attention

When people are scrolling through Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook - wherever they might be on the internet - they’re looking for a solution to their problem.

So, with other types of lead magnets, you might get their attention for a couple of seconds whilst they put their email in. But then they’re gone.

I mean, sure. Sometimes they might go straight to their inbox to download it. But more than likely, they’re already off onto the next thing. 

Whereas, with a quiz, there’s a two-way engagement happening over a period of time. So you get their attention for anywhere from a couple of seconds up to 60 seconds. 

And during that time, a few things start to happen. 

  1. You establish your authority (as we talked about)

  2. A relationship begins to develop

  3. And you gain insights about your audience - which is invaluable

Understanding our prospective customers deeply and intimately is one of the most important things we can do. And there's no better way to do that than by asking questions and making people feel heard and understood.

Then, at the end of your quiz,  you give them their result. And that tells them, “Hey, I  listened to you and here's something you can do about it.“ 

Benefit #3: Positions Your Brand

Finally, a quiz is a great way to position your brand. 

Beyond establishing your authority, you also want to become known for your zone of genius. 

So when people interact with or see your brand, they know instantly who you are, what you do, AND how you can specifically help them. 

Whatever you want to be known for, a quiz can do that for you. 

That’s why I love a quiz above other types of lead magnets. Because it helps you:

  • Establish yourself as an expert in your niche

  • Engage and build relationships with your audience

  • Position yourself as the go-to for your particular offering

Ready to Build Your List & Your Brand (Even in a Noisy World?)

Try a quiz!

Get started with your own brand-building quiz by watching my ✨Free Quiz Method Masterclass✨ so that you can STOP wasting time on random marketing tactics, and finally build a list of hot leads!