The Secret To Building An Email List Fast
The Secret To
Building An Email List Fast
Use this simple marketing strategy to build your list and your business in record time!
So you’ve landed here in hopes of finding the magic fast-track to building your email list full of ideal clients….
But first, I want you to STOP and ask yourself these questions:
What is currently holding you back from growing your email list and your audience?
How many people would you like on your email list one year from now?
What difference would a bigger list make to your business?
Ponder these a minute while we look at why your list growth is barely moving the needle. Then we’ll get into how to fix that!
Why Is Growing Your Email List SO Hard?
Growing an email list often feels slow and hard. It certainly did for me, in the beginning. So I totally understand if you're in that position at the moment.
It’s Confusing
Maybe you're confused by all the advice on building an audience. Because there is so much advice out there (much of it conflicting!).
When it comes to marketing and building your audience, there are so many things that people tell us to do that it can become completely overwhelming figuring out what to focus on.
Is Nobody Listening?
Maybe you feel like your content and your social media posts are going into the void. You're sharing content, you're posting regularly - but nobody is listening.
Perhaps you have lead magnets and a free opt-in for your website but nobody's biting.
You spent all that time creating something amazing, something with great value, something you know will help people - but nobody seems to care.
It Can Be Overwhelming
Creating content can feel like a full-time job.
I know that definitely from the early days. When you're blogging weekly, sending email newsletters and posting on social media regularly, it can feel like you've given yourself a second full time job just creating all that content!
The struggle is real ...
Creating massive amounts of content
Lead magnets everyone is ignoring
Wondering why nobody is responding to anything!
It can be any of those, and it can be all of those.
I know that at one point or another, I have struggled with all of those myself.
Less Marketing / Better Results
So, everything I teach around marketing has to do with less marketing with better results.
Because things change, the world evolves, and digital marketing evolves. There is always a new platform or a new trend popping up every single day. And it can get massively overwhelming! And we can get suckered into spending way too much time on things that aren’t actually helping us grow our brand.
But I’m a firm believer of doing less to get better results. And I’m also big on sharing.
That’s why I want to share the incredible results I’ve had using a Quiz to build my email list, my brand, and my business.
A Simple Quiz System to Grow Your List, Brand, and Revenue On Autopilot
Using a quiz is a simple - and really effective - way to build your list, grow your brand, and increase your revenue on autopilot.
So, let’s talk about why a quiz is the fastest and most powerful list building and business building strategy ever.
Let Me Take You Back To 1991
Ah, 1991 - a time I fell in love. If you were in England at the time you'll remember that Robin Hood Prince of Thieves was a box-office number-one hit.
For 16 weeks we had to endure Bryan Adams at number one with Everything I Do. It was the summer of ‘91, I was in middle school, and my mum opened her first Benetton store. So, if you're a 90's kid you probably know that Benetton was just about as cool it could get. And having your mum own a few Benetton stores put me in the ‘cool kids’ bracket at school.
So I went to school, plastered my textbooks with all their controversial advertising. I don't know if any of you remember it. There were:
coloured condoms
a woman of colour feeding the white baby
people dying
They had a really bold and controversial vision and message, beyond the clothes they sold. It was all about uniting the world, no matter what colour, creed, or sexuality. About bringing people together.
That Was The Moment I Fell In Love With Marketing
Because I realised something really important.
I realised that a brand was not a logo. A brand was a relationship. It was a relationship I could invest in. It created emotion and it created connection.
And that was when I decided I wanted to work in the world of marketing.
So off I went after school to university. I studied fashion marketing and branding, then I went to work for Levi's, Nike, Billabong, IBM, and Red Bull. Lots of different amazing global brands.
Then, in 2014 I left the corporate world to start my own business. Perhaps like you, I felt the pull to leave that corporate job. I had two small kids and I was struggling with the juggle.
Now, here I am, helping small businesses build lovable brands. And my mantra is doing less marketing and getting better results.
Where To Focus?
Maybe you can relate to some of the things I struggled with when I started my business. Because even though I had a background in marketing and branding, and I probably started out a little bit cocky and a little bit sure of myself, I soon got sucked into shiny object syndrome.
I had no idea what I should be focusing on. There were so many people telling me to do different things, I didn't know whether I should be:
building a social media following
launching a website
Having online course
building my list
Creating a funnel
Doing webinars
Start a Facebook group
Running ads
The whole thing was completely overwhelming. I didn't know where to find leads and everyone was talking about these huge email lists.
In all the Facebook groups I was in, there were people talking about having lists with tens of thousands. And I was just thinking to myself, “How on earth do you find these people?”
Cutting Through The Noise
Also, it was so noisy!
When I set off with this spring in my step, thinking I had something really unique and original to talk about, I didn't bank on how much noise there would be. How saturated it would be, and how hard it would be to cut through.
And I found it difficult to work out exactly what my audience would buy. I knew my stuff but I didn't really understand what my audience was struggling with.
Cracking The Code With An Online Quiz
All of this left me completely pulling my hair out. I felt overwhelmed, I felt burnt out. I was doing all the things but not getting the results.
And then one day, I was in a Facebook group answering questions for people who were really struggling with their brand message and positioning.
In my one-on-one work with clients, I always start with a brand archetypes assessment. So I thought,
“Why don't I launch this archetype assessment as an online quiz?”
So I created an online quiz!I
And I felt like I had cracked the code.
I had finally cracked the code to attract people to my list, generate leads, and create something people actually wanted.
My First Quiz
That was my very first quiz and here are some of my results:
1,500 organic leads in just 3 weeks
A total of 3,290 onto my list over the next few months
Generated 12 months of clients from this
Reached my first $100k year
Just by launching this one piece of content!
The piece of content was a Brand Archetype Assessment quiz.
I knew people were struggling with understanding their unique brand personality and working out how to stand out from the crowd. And the quiz helped them:
uncover their brand personality
Identify entrepreneurial archetype
and gave them a detailed report on how to apply this to their business
My Second Quiz
After the success of that quiz, I launched a Brand Strength Quiz.
I really wanted to understand my audience more deeply - to know what they were struggling with, where the gaps were in their brand, and give them some strategic advice on how to plug those gaps.
The results of the Brand Strength Quiz were:
Average 104 leads per week
31.6% conversion
That 31.6% conversion rate is actually lower than my previous quiz, but that’s because I asked people some pretty tough business questions.
My Brand Archetype Quiz was much more light-hearted and easier to answer.
The Brand Strength Quiz asked people to dig deep.
But the result is having some incredible insights about my audience. I now understand:
what percentage of my list is in what stage of business
how long they've run their business
exactly what they're struggling with marketing-wise
And with that information, I was able to segment my list into those stages and switch up my offerings based on the outcomes.
Benefits of Using A Quiz
The benefits of using quizzes in my marketing have really been phenomenal:
Content people WANT to share (no more begging for shares)
Positions me as an expert in brand messaging (without me doing much)
Speaking & podcast opportunities
Marketing is SO much easier
Deeper understanding of my audience
Easy way to create money-making offers
Make money while I sleep with trip-wires and automated upselling
The Biggest Benefit Of Quizzes - FREEDOM
Ultimately, all of this has created more freedom in my business. Which is really the most important part, isn’t it?
Just a couple of months ago I was talking to one of my clients, who said,
“Nikki, your quiz had such a profound effect on my business. I still use those results to guide my messaging. It totally turned around how I look at my business and how I know to stand out.”
So, giving out such a valuable piece of content to my audience has not only been great for my business, but it’s done the same for my clients, as well.
Check it out. I've used these quizzes to build my business without …
… having a network of internet-famous friends
… an online mastermind of celebrity online marketers
… a Facebook group of thousands
… being on social media every day creating endless content
… taking on clients that I don't jam with
… or working crazy hours
My quizzes have helped me generate revenue in my business every single day.
That’s one piece of content doing lead generation for me on autopilot.
Imagine Your Email List Filled With Ideal Clients
Imagine what it would feel like to have an email list full of ideal clients who are all hungry to buy from you.
I really want you to picture and feel into that. Because having an email list filled with qualified and responsive buyers is an absolute game-changer for your business.
Imagine growing your audience and your business in an easy way without:
creating new opt-ins every week
publishing never-ending blog content
constantly feeling like you're on a hamster wheel
Sound Too Incredible To Be True?
It’s definitely not!
Watch this video to see just how easy it is for you to create your own brand-building quiz to grow your list on autopilot.