7 Epic Reasons A Quiz is the Fastest, Most Powerful List & Business Building Strategy Ever
7 Epic Reasons Why
A Quiz Is The Fastest, Most Powerful
List & Business Building Strategy Ever
And how you can start using one in your business - today!
First of all - did you read my previous post about how quizzes changed my business forever? If not, hurry over here and devour all the juicy details read it here so you know what I’m talking about.
I know a quiz is the fastest, most powerful list building and business building strategy ever because I have used this strategy in my business for years, and in many of my clients’ businesses. The results have been nothing short of amazing, and I want you to have a piece of that goodness too!
I don't want you to just take it from me and my results. There are some amazing stats to back this up. Let me share them with you...
Quizzes Get - And Keep - Attention
The fact is, quizzes get attention and keep it.
We all know in this really noisy online world, in the Facebook feed, in the Instagram feed - to get someone's attention is really difficult these days.
We're being shouted at constantly from social media, marketing, advertising - and it's really incredibly hard to get attention.
And even harder than getting attention it's actually keeping it. Our brains don't like to stay in a passive listening state. We always want something to do.
So if we scroll and see something like a downloadable PDF or a checklist, there is nothing for us to do. There is no interaction once we've clicked and downloaded that.
Activate Attention, Engagement & Excitement
In contrast with other typical lead magnets, a quiz immediately activates a part of our brain that controls attention, engagement, and excitement.
As soon as we click on that, our brain moves out of that passive state and we start engaging. You go from something that could be two seconds of attention (a download) to maybe two minutes of attention (a quiz).
And believe me - those two minutes of attention can make all the difference.
They can position you straightaway in your customers’ minds as the right person, and they create the beginning of a relationship.
How would it feel to have an easy, on-demand way to get attention for your brand?
Quizzes Activate Tribal Instincts
The next thing a quiz does - particularly personality-based quizzes - is activate our tribal instincts.
As humans, we all want to understand ourselves and our place in the world. We like to think of ourselves as individual and unique, but understanding where we fit is actually central to our psyche.
So, putting ourselves in a tribe, in a box, and putting our hand up and saying, “Yes, I'm one of these people” is an instinctual response.
Then, when we do that, we share it with other people. We LOVE to share the results of where we belong, to say, “Yes, I'm an explorer archetype.” Or, “I'm a Samantha from Sex in the City.”
Whatever it might be. We like to choose and then we like to let people know who we are (btw, I'm not a Samantha. I'm definitely a Carrie).
According to Buzzsumo, the average quiz gets shared about 1900 times. Of course, a lot of those are ‘Harry Potter’ type quizzes.
But a big part of the organic growth of my own quiz was from people sharing it.
Wouldn’t you love your content to be shared without you having to do the legwork?
Imagine how that would make you feel?
What kind of difference would that make to your business?
For me, and for clients that I've implemented quizzes for, it’s been amazing. We went from having to constantly push to grow our businesses, to being in a place of ease.
Highest Converting Content
When it comes to content, a quiz is one of the highest converting types of content around.
According to Experian, for every dollar we spend on email marketing the average return is between $45 and $51.
So to get the most people on your list for the least amount of money and effort, you need content that converts.
Putting out content that doesn’t convert means you’re expending a lot of effort for no return. But interactive content like a quiz converts up to 5 times higher than any other type of content.
By the way, it's also proven that a quiz is the most effective medium to use for the initial buyer awareness stage.
Reach More People With Less Time, Money, & Marketing
How would you like to reach more people with less time and less money spent on marketing?
This is a big thing for my business because I want to balance my business with my family and kids. I like to fit my business into the pockets of time around my family.
So less time and less money on marketing for me is a big deal. I'd love to know if that's the same for you.
Growth on Autopilot (aka New Customers Every Day)
Another benefit of quizzes is that it grows your business on autopilot.
Once you have created this one piece of content that will continue to generate leads on autopilot, you no longer have to churn out content week after week.
You can get anywhere from 15 to 100 responsive leads every day. And if you decide to put some paid advertising behind such as Facebook advertising, you’ll get even more.
My quiz generates about 100 leads a day. Even with just a typical 2-5% conversion rate, that results in 2 to 5 potential customers every single day into my business.
Imagine what 2-5 new customers every day would do for your business!
Establishes Authority (aka Become An Instant Expert)
Another incredible by-product of a quiz is the authority it creates for you.
When you create something you're an expert in, put your knowledge out there and have people take the quiz - you automatically gain the status in other people's minds as an expert.
Your quiz and your topic gets you known. And your influence will grow at lightning speed.
Makes Personalisation Easy (aka Understand Your Audience)
The last thing - and, to me, the most important thing my quiz does for my business - is make segmentation easy.
People crave personalisation. We don't want to be spoken to en masse.
Everybody you attract into your business or on to your email list will have different thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. And they will be at different stages in their business. So being able to segment your audience is absolutely critical.
According to HubSpot, personalized calls to action can generate up to 200% higher conversions than something generic.
So, having an easily segmented audience means you can create audience-specific offers. Which makes it easy to sell more.
Just imagine what it would mean for your business to have an easy way to create money-making offers with an audience ready and eager to buy.
The Fastest, Most Powerful List & Business Building Strategy
Ready to start creating your own quiz? I’ve got you covered.
Watch my video on The 5 Step Quiz Method That Builds Your Brand And Your List On Autopilot and learn the exact system I used to go from zero to 20,000 email subscribers and sell out my offers without ads.